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0 Replies and 277 Views ChatGPT Time - Buy not Build Revisited  277  0 Started by  Patrick Ng Today, we have news on business strategy adopting ChatGPT. According to a leaked document, a Googler said that Google and OpenAI will lose the AI arms race to open-source engineers. Excerpt - Without a “secret sauce,” Google’s best hope is to learn from and collaborate with others outside of Google and prioritize third-party integra...
0 277
05 May 2023 10:00 AM
0 Replies and 234 Views Prepping Quantitative ChatGPT on Geothermal - Granularity without Complexity  234  0 Started by  Patrick Ng Follow up to April 6, 2023 Post “in pursuing Quantitative GPT.” Here is one more step toward making that a reality. See Figures 1 and 2. Feel free to chime in, e.g., your own machine-learning journey, and we love to hear from you.
0 234
03 May 2023 08:16 AM
0 Replies and 232 Views The road to Electrification with Lithium just got Bumpier  232  0 Started by  Patrick Ng Refer to Brevity is the essence of Deep Learning, as ChatGPT may surmise. 'The concept of ‘Earth as a Battery’ gained more support with the recent news that Chile may nationalize its lithium industry. In relation to the AAPG webinar on Orphan Wells, a data-driven and machine learning perspective suggests that: 1. There are numerous legacy ‘missing wells’ without accessible digital data. 2. By using g...
0 232
21 Apr 2023 09:09 PM
0 Replies and 268 Views SPE Perspective on ChatGPT for the Petroleum Industry  268  0 Started by  Patrick Ng Article from 'Researchers with the Energy & Environmental Research Center highlight the key use cases ChatGPT holds today for petrotechnicals.' Specifically on G&G 'Geology: ChatGPT can support mineral exploration efforts by analyzing geological data and predicting the possible location of mineral deposits. It can provide valuable insights into the structural geology of a given area ...
0 268
18 Apr 2023 07:05 PM
0 Replies and 207 Views Orphan Wells for Geothermal - Exploratory First Look  207  0 Started by  Patrick Ng Orphan Wells: What Are They, and Where Are We Now​ Actionable - if the webinar hosted by Susan 03.30.2023 spiked your interest, and you can't wait to test an idea / repurpose abandoned wells to geothermal on a hunch There is an app for that (demo). Productivity booster: If you do find one, feel free to sha...
0 207
15 Apr 2023 01:54 PM
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Andrew Munoz Fuego Exploration
Patrick Ng Shaleforce

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Susan Nash Director, Innovation and Emerging Science and Technology AAPG