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2 Replies and 379 Views AI Geoscience Workshop coming this July 2018  379  2 Started by  Patrick Ng Heads up - mark your calendar for last week in July (tentative 7/26/2018 and subject to change). Venue - Houston Texas. Location TBD. What is it AAPG Deep Learning TIG teaming with Ikon Science and Google to conduct workshop using a variety of G&G data and running actual machine learning experiments. (If schedule permits, will include TensorFlow.) Premise - 'Learning with Machine beats machine learning alone' AI Geoscience Workshop. Watch this space for updates. Pat...
2 379
by  Susan NashJump to last post
03 May 2018 12:11 PM
0 Replies and 378 Views Deep Learning without deep pocket  378  0 Started by  Patrick Ng In response to inquiries on where to begin, consider the following: 1. Book - “The Master Algorithm” available in paperback $15 online (or check your local library). 2. Video - Machine Learning course on Coursera, (recall $49 if registered). 3. Python knowledge - take a look at The above is all about getting hands on. Mimic making hand contours and checking well ties. Get a feel for what the gotchas are early on, before investing in mo...
0 378
19 Apr 2018 02:14 PM
0 Replies and 396 Views Great interview with Patrick Ng!  396  0 Started by  Susan Nash Here's a link to the interview
0 396
17 Apr 2018 09:39 AM
1 Replies and 852 Views TensorFlow in the Cloud - AWS, GCP or Azure?  852  1 Started by  Patrick Ng TensorFlow on three platforms - first impression: Amazon Web Services (AWS) - does require use of Unix script, and if running from Windows, additional download of utility PuTTY for ssh connections (geek speak for cybersecurity key). Google Cloud Platform (GCP) - much the same as AWS, and no PuTTY download required.
1 852
by  Patrick NgJump to last post
07 Mar 2018 09:23 PM
0 Replies and 761 Views Alexa Well Econ coming to your Amazon Echo  761  0 Started by  Patrick Ng For the avid followers of the December 30, 2017 entry, Alexa Well Econ is here to kick off 2018. Think of Alexa Well Econ as a smart digital assistant used to determine the economics of drilling and completing a well. It takes into account well costs, the oil price, the initial well production, Arps type well profiles and production decline rates suitable for use in conventional and unconventional wells. Well Econ translates all these parameters into net present val...
0 761
31 Jan 2018 02:21 PM
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Andrew Munoz Fuego Exploration
Patrick Ng Shaleforce

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Susan Nash Director, Innovation and Emerging Science and Technology AAPG