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0 Replies and 477 Views Virtual Hackathon with Real Data  477  0 Started by  Patrick Ng Check this out
0 477
04 Aug 2020 04:03 PM
0 Replies and 475 Views DeepSeismic - step by step Deep Learning for seismic data  475  0 Started by  Patrick Ng Note - while the example is based on Microsoft Azure, the general principle also applies to GCP and AWS in terms of using TensorFlow-TensorBoard to QC intermediate results.
0 475
27 Jul 2020 07:17 PM
0 Replies and 397 Views URTEC 2020  397  0 Started by  Andrew Munoz Hi everyone, If you would like to see an interpreter/geologist friendly talk on adding value to seismic interpretation through pre-stack conditioning, please visit my talk: Unlocking Value from Vintage Seismic Processing - Pre-Stack Conditioning and Inversion in the Eagle Ford Shale at Urtec 2020 by visiting the following link and replaying the talk.
0 397
22 Jul 2020 01:50 PM
0 Replies and 428 Views Introduction to Neural Network and Geostat for Subsurface  428  0 Started by  Patrick Ng Dr. Pyrcz can energize audience in person and online. To find out more, go to links: Neural Network for Subsurface (glimpse into interpretation by machine) - Subsurface Spatial Continuity (aka Geostat and P10, P50, P90) - Webinars ensure continuous learning with proper social distancing, amidst convid-19.
0 428
30 Jun 2020 10:57 PM
0 Replies and 605 Views Free e-Course on AI and Geoscience  605  0 Started by  Patrick Ng Check these out from our sister organization SEG. See what is on offer and coming down the course pipeline.
0 605
21 May 2020 10:09 AM
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Andrew Munoz Fuego Exploration
Patrick Ng Shaleforce

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Susan Nash Director, Innovation and Emerging Science and Technology AAPG