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0 Replies and 474 Views Deep Learning - LSTM for time series data  474  0 Started by  Patrick Ng For those working with production history / decline curve or well economics, this is of particular interest. Cost $30 goes to zero if you are a SEG member and access registration via SEG Deep Learning, with promote code (click button SEG30). Pe...
0 474
03 Feb 2021 12:12 PM
0 Replies and 486 Views Energy in Data 2021 - Altogether Immersive and Interactive Experience.  486  0 Started by  Patrick Ng AAPG-SEG-SPE kicks off 2021 with a all-digital immersive and interactive joint event online. We have heard from AI/ML workshops over 2019-2020 that members express interest in creating a community to advance knowledge and share experience on their digital journey. EiD 2021 has taken the first step, and to build out the community, it is only a click away. Go online and register today.
0 486
12 Jan 2021 02:52 PM
0 Replies and 839 Views AlphaFold 2.0  839  0 Started by  Andrew Munoz DeepMind has made some major upgrades to AlphaFold because they are now able to successfully predict protein folding. This is going to be a major leap for using predictive analytics for disease research. I think it's great for everyone to know and understand leaps in deep learning in all fields. Naser Tamini has a great Medium article simplifying the result and explaining the solution: I hope you enjoy! Andrew
0 839
03 Dec 2020 06:05 PM
0 Replies and 477 Views Highlights on Tackle the Issues - Where should Machine Learning go (and not go)?  477  0 Started by  Patrick Ng Observations - Dr. Lian and speaker Ball showed in examples simple architecture, random forest (RF) and support vector machine (SVM) work well in many cases (some as good as deep learning models). Q1: what does that tell us about ML model - simplicity vs complexity, and the direction Recap - much has to do with data / sampling. If we have lots of data, deep learning will do well. When we have limited data, RF and SVM may perform better (in supervised and unsupervis...
0 477
02 Oct 2020 05:21 PM
0 Replies and 467 Views Business Acumen, Soft Skills and Machine Learning  467  0 Started by  Patrick Ng In the opening Michel T. Halbouty Lecture: Business Acumen and Soft Skills in an Everchanging Exploration World Day: Duval talked about “soft skills” now considered all the more important since the “engineering” preparation of a prospective deal and the related technologies are and will be more and more dependent on data analytics, advanced approaches involving AI, machine learning, etc. Takeaway - two ML questions were raised in Chat, worthy of recap here. Q1: if you have physics based mo...
0 467
02 Oct 2020 01:53 PM
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Susan Nash Director, Innovation and Emerging Science and Technology AAPG