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0 Replies and 1735 Views Robbie Gries - 2018 GSA Presidential Address: Navigating “Me, too” in the Geosciences  1735  0 Started by  Gretchen Flint The effects of the “Me, too” movement have rippled throughout every facet of society over the past year leading many organizations to reevaluate policies toward sexual harassment and discrimination. The field of geoscience is no exception. At the Geological Society of America’s (GSA) annual meeting last November, GSA President Robbie Gries explored the topic in her presidential address titled, “Navigating ‘Me, too’ in the Geosciences.” While women have made great strides in the geosciences...
0 1735
14 Feb 2019 03:17 PM
1 Replies and 1169 Views PROWESS International Concerns Meeting Agendas  1169  1 Started by  Audrey Corte Agenda: PROWESS International Concerns Subcommittee Meeting Date: 10/04/2017 Time: 2:00pm to 3:00pm Location: WebEx Meeting • ICE WIG event update – Stephanie • Can we record an interview with a prominent industry member on women in geosciences, during ICE in London - Ewa, Vern o If so – who would we want to be interviewed Denise as the President-Elect Or should we try to use the conference as an opportunity...
1 1169
by  Audrey CorteJump to last post
14 Dec 2017 04:05 PM
1 Replies and 816 Views PROWESS SIG Meeting Minutes  816  1 Started by  Audrey Corte This discussion board is for PROWESS SIG meeting minutes.
1 816
by  Audrey CorteJump to last post
02 Nov 2017 02:52 PM
1 Replies and 906 Views PROWESS SIG Meeting Agendas  906  1 Started by  Audrey Corte Agenda for the 10/5/2017 PROWESS SIG meeting is attached. Any edits or additions should be directed to Terra George, PROWESS Chair, or Dawn Snyder, PROWESS Secretary.
1 906
by  Audrey CorteJump to last post
19 Oct 2017 10:26 AM
0 Replies and 864 Views PROWESS Social Media Pages  864  0 Started by  Audrey Corte If you have not already done so, please consider following PROWESS on social media: Facebook: AAPG PROWESS at LinkedIn: AAPG PROWESS at
0 864
24 Aug 2017 11:02 AM
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