About Jammin' Geos Special Interest Group (SIG)

Develop professional comradery within and outside of AAPG through music. Chaired by Rick Fritz.

Develop a network for professionals who like to play and perform music.

Area of Focus

Wooden and electric folk and rock 'n roll music.

  • Plan Jammin' Geos jam sessions at the annual and section meetings.
  • Build a network of professional geos who are musicians.
  • Share music, riffs and ideas online.
  • Notify members when people are playing gigs across the country.
  • Develop relationships with young professionals and students who are interested in music.
Overarching Goal

Develop professional comradery within and outside of AAPG through music.


Richard Fritz Advisory Council Chair Xplora Energy

Headquarters Contacts

Susan Nash Director, Innovation and Emerging Science and Technology AAPG