Juan Carlos Quinto

Latin America Region Lead, Young Professionals Committee 20186 Juan Carlos Desktop /Portals/0/PackFlashItemImages/WebReady/quinto-juan-carlos-large.jpg?width=200&height=235&quality=75&mode=crop&encoder=freeimage&progressive=true

Juan Carlos Quinto is a petroleum geologist with 10 years’ experience working in exploration and development in both onshore and offshore settings. He currently works for BPZ energy in Lima, Peru, where he provides 2D and 3D seismic interpretation for exploratory projects.

Juan Carlos has a geological engineering degree, from the San Marcos national University in Lima, which is where he first learned about AAPG. He became involved in the San Marcos Student Chapter, and he later joined the YP Peru Chapter, where he served as president.

As president of the Region’s most active YP Chapter, Juan Carlos coordinated volunteers to run the AAPG stand Peru’s Geological Congress and led student-YP networking sessions at the Latin America Region Student Chapter Leadership Summit (SCLS) in Lima in 2014.

As Young Professional (YP) Liaison for AAPG’s Latin America & Caribbean Region, he provides guidance and support to the Region’s existing YP Chapters in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Trinidad & Tobago. He also is working to develop new chapters in Bolivia, Mexico and Venezuela.

Juan Carlos said accepted the Region YP Liaison position because he is passionate about volunteering for AAPG.

“The initiatives and continual learning are invaluable activities that I really enjoy. Supporting YP Chapters as Latin America Region Liaison will help me see their challenges and expectations more closely, and also will help develop my personal and professional interests,” he said.

Juan Carlos also said he is excited about using the experience he gained in previous AAPG leadership positions to assist in the growth of the YP programs across the Region. Goals for his term include establishing the Latin America & the Caribbean as one of the most active YP Regions and establishing a YP Chapter in every country.

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