Distinguished Lecture Committee

The function of the Distinguished Lecture Committee is to select lecturers and instructors speaking on important and timely geoscientific topics that provide knowledge transfer between the Association, affiliated societies, and academia and serve the educational needs of its members by providing outstanding lectures. To reach these goals the Distinguished Lecture Committee identifies topics that support science-based business decisions; showcases the state-of-the-art technology and concepts utilized in the oil and gas industry to academia; works with the Regions in developing a regional program of distinguished lectures; encourages lecturers to develop their presentations into proposals for Special Publications or into manuscripts to be submitted to the Bulletin; works with the Education Committee in encouraging lecturers to develop their presentations into workshops; works with other professional societies, such as SPE, SPWLA, SEG, and EAGE, in sponsoring inter-society distinguished lecturers.

Jonathan Patrick Allen COCHR 2022-2025 Chevron
Heather Hodges Staff Liaison 2018-2099 AAPG
Susie Nolen Staff Liaison 2017-2099 AAPG

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