15 March, 2021

Introduction to Borehole Imaging and Case Study of a Wireline Resistivity Image in Netherlands Offshore

AAPG IFP School Webinar Presentation


Join us for the AAPG IFP Student Chapter webinar "Introduction to Borehole Imaging and Case Study of a Wireline Resistivity Image in Netherlands Offshore".

Join us for the AAPG IFP Student Chapter webinar "Introduction to Borehole Imaging and Case Study of a Wireline Resistivity Image in Netherlands Offshore".

15 April 2021
18:00 (GMT+1)
Presented by:
IFP School AAPG Student Chapter
AAPG Europe Region
Sponsored by:
Baker Hughes

Borehole Imaging has become a powerful tool on nowadays scenario for petroleum geoscientists and through this talk we aim to perform an introduction on the theme and to show some examples for sample classification using different parameters.


Morgane Bizeray In the Industry for almost 10 years, Morgane worked on rig as a wellsite geologist and worked in Total Norway for seismic interpretation. She joined Baker Hughes in 2015 as a borehole image specialist and recently started a new position as Well Integrity Advisor. In addition she is in charge of the sponsorship for the SPE NL Section and the social chair of the local Dutch SPWLA chapter (DPS). Being involved with students is very important to Morgane which is why she is the university liaison in Netherlands within Baker Hughes to be able to teach to students across Europe.

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