01 July, 2020

COVID’s Effect on the Energy Sector: From Crisis to Transformation


Hear panelists’ views on how COVID-19 has affected the legal, financial and technological sectors of the energy industry and what they expect for the future. Topics include energy markets, public policy, infrastructure, transportation, corporate culture, digitalization and the energy transition.

Send questions and comments for speakers, then make your voice heard in virtual roundtables opening 10 minutes after the panel discussion. Forum registration is free of charge thanks to support from our sponsors.

Forum Registration

Hear panelists’ views on how COVID-19 has affected the legal, financial and technological sectors of the energy industry and what they expect for the future. Topics include energy markets, public policy, infrastructure, transportation, corporate culture, digitalization and the energy transition.

Send questions and comments for speakers, then make your voice heard in virtual roundtables opening 10 minutes after the panel discussion. Forum registration is free of charge thanks to support from our sponsors.

Forum Registration


A separate registration for roundtables is required in order to secure participant security. Visit our registration page to sign up for your selected session.

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Energy Transition

Moderated by Liliana Diaz, Managing Director at FTI Consulting

Have travel restrictions and low oil prices sped up or slowed down the transition to alternative energy sources?

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Role of Innovation in the COVID and Post-COVID Era

Moderated by Susan Nash, Director of Innovation and Emerging Science, AAPG

Do things like green gas really get going? What other innovations do we see coming in the wake of the pandemic? What lessons have been learned that we can use to solve problems we perhaps didn’t know existed until the pandemic started? What new problems have been created that will need innovative solutions?

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Changes in Legal and Commercial Strategies Post-COVID

Moderated by Julie Mayo, Energy Transactions Partner and Head of US Oil and Gas Norton Rose Fulbright

How has the outlook changed for buyers and sellers on the commodity side and the asset side? What are parties looking for now that they weren’t pre-COVID? Do we anticipate any further changes that might stimulate or shift the market?

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