24 April, 2018

Announcing the New AAPG Latin America & Caribbean Region Delegate


On behalf of AAPG headquarters and the Latin America & Caribbean Region, we are pleased to announce your newly elected Latin America & Caribbean Region Delegate to the AAPG House of Delegates for the 2018-21 term:

On behalf of AAPG headquarters and the Latin America & Caribbean Region, we are pleased to announce your newly elected Latin America & Caribbean Region Delegate to the AAPG House of Delegates for the 2018-21 term:

  • Ana Maria Goncalves, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia

Effective, July 1, 2018, Ana will join the other leadership members:

Region Officers (two-year term: 2017-19):
  • President: Pedro Alarcon Medina, Lima, Peru
  • Immediate Past President: Victor H. Vega, Houston, Texas, USA
  • President-Elect: Jaime Checa, Bogota, Colombia
  • Vice President: Ulises Hernandez-Romano, Mexico City, Mexico
  • Secretary-Treasurer: Igor Viegas, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Nine Region delegates to the AAPG House of Delegates:
  • Juan Pablo Lovecchio, Buenos Aires, Argentina (three-year term: 2017-20)
  • Orestes Orrego, Lima, Peru (three-year term: 2017-20)
  • Vitor Abreu, Houston, Texas, USA (three-year term: 2016-19)
  • Kurt Bayer, Bogota, Colombia (three-year term: 2016-19)
  • Shirilla Brandon, Pointe-a-Pierre, Trinidad & Tobago (three-year term: 2016-19)
  • Elvira Gomez Hernandez, Bogota, Colombia (three-year term: 2016-19)
  • Clyde Griffith, Paramaribo, Suriname (three-year term: 2016-19)
  • Hans Krause, Caracas, Venezuela (three-year term: 2016-19)
  • Patricio Marshall, Conway, North Wales (three-year term: 2016-19)
One Region Member of the AAPG Advisory Council:
  • Victor H. Vega, Houston, Texas, USA (three-year term: 2017-20)

Congratulations and thank you to these outstanding leaders for their commitment and service to the AAPG and the Latin America & Caribbean Region.