06 March, 2018

The Future Energy Geoscientists - Special DPA Forum at ACE

Be part of the "Great Crew Change."


We are planning a second special session at this year’s ACE in Salt Lake City: “The Future Energy Geoscientists”

We are requesting your help in making the 2018 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition (ACE) a truly special event.

DPA Forum

Following the momentum of the last ACE in Houston, in which we launched the special session, “Essential Tools for the Next Generation of Geoscientists,” we are planning a second special session at this year’s ACE in Salt Lake City. “The Future Energy Geoscientists” will feature a half-day forum featuring six expert panelists from different industry disciplines.

This forum is for you and now is your chance to get involved.

Panelists will include:
  • Andrea Reynolds, Technical Manager, Shell Appalachia Asset, former EMD chair and current DPA vice president-elect.
  • Andreé Griffin, vice president, Geology and Geophysics, XTO Energy.
  • Daniel Domeracki, vice president, Government and Industry Relations, Schlumberger.
  • Lesli Wood, Weimer Distinguished Chair and Professor, Colorado School of Mines.
  • Rick Fritz, CEO, Council Oak Resources, and former AAPG executive director.

The panelists are ready to cover a variety of topics, including:

  • What types of opportunities are available to current and future energy geoscientists: major O&G company, independent O&G company, consulting, government, service company? And what are typical career paths that are likely to emerge?
  • What digital skills will be essential to the future energy geoscientist’s career?
  • Can the academician dialogue with industry professionals be elevated, whereby students are better prepared for their industry roles?
  • Should certain courses become more universal in schools, e.g., GIS, petrophysics, geomechanics and economics?

The last three-four years have been very tumultuous for all segments of our industry. The “Great Crew Change” is accelerating, and mentors are dropping precipitously. We cannot think of a more important cause than motivating and mentoring the next generation of geoscientists.

Don’t miss your opportunity to be part of this interactive forum! We greatly appreciate your willingness to participate in this very important cause. Your respective chair(s) will be assisting you with ongoing details and processes.