20 February, 2018

Geonature 2018: AAPG Student Chapter Announces Its Second International Student Conference in Tyumen, Russia

Accepting Student Registration until 1 April


The AAPG Student Chapter at Industrial University of Tyumen announces its second International Student Conference.

Industrial University of Tyumen AAPG Student Chapter invites students and young researchers interested in the latest developments in the world of energy and geoscience to take part in the second Annual International Conference, set April 18-21, in Tyumen, Russia.

This year’s conference theme is “Geonature 2018.”

The conference includes a wide variety of events and activities. Participants can take part in presenting their work, educational and social activities, field trips to see the natural environments of Siberia, workshops and short courses hosted by the world’s leading geoscience societies (AAPG, EAGE and SEG), “GeoMind” geological games, learn about topics related to geosciences and oil and gas exploration and a round-table discussion.

Registration for “Geonature 2018” is now open and continues through April 1, 2018.

For more information, visit the IUT Student Chapter on Facebook.

If interested in submitting an oral presentation at the Conference, first submit a Geonature 2018 Registration Form and then email your abstract here.

Share your knowledge, research and ideas with geoscientists from around the world at “Geonature 2018.”