26 June, 2017

Beauty in Geology


Lake Erie - not just a favorite vacation spot but a fascinating geologic location!

The shores of Presque Isle mimic an ocean beach – complete with waves breaking on large sandy beaches
The shores of Presque Isle mimic an ocean beach – complete with waves breaking on large sandy beaches
From the sandy beaches of Presque Isle, to the numerous vineyards and lake cut bluffs along the shore, Lake Erie is a favorite vacation spot, especially for families that live in the four states (New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan) and one Canadian province (Ontario) that border it.

Lake Erie not only has a fascinating geologic history in that it was carved by glacial ice, it also plays an important role in the present ¬– it provides drinking water to over 11 million people.

A fun fact: Lake Erie is the fourth-largest Great Lake and the world's twelfth largest freshwater lake. More Lake Erie Fun Facts

A long climb down to the shore of Lake Erie was worth the view.  A lot of erosion can be seen along the cut bluffs.
A long climb down to the shore of Lake Erie was worth the view. A lot of erosion can be seen along the cut bluffs.