02 November, 2016

Advances in Subsurface Imaging and Mapping - Workshop Review


This workshop aimed at sharing knowledge and ideas on the advancements in subsurface mapping. This included recent technologies in acquiring seismic and non-seismic data, improvements in imaging the subsurface and advances in data interpretation.

AAPG/ SEG Advances in Subsurface Imaging and Mapping GTW took place from 26-27 October 2016 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, Muscat, Oman

This workshop aimed at sharing knowledge and ideas on the advancements in subsurface mapping. This included recent technologies in acquiring seismic and non-seismic data, improvements in imaging the subsurface and advances in data interpretation. 37 industry professionals from 9 countries attended the workshop. 17 presentations took place, representing a combination of 9 different companies, including: ADMA, BGP, BP Oman, CGG, Paradigm, Saudi Aramco, Schlumberger, TNO and WesternGeco.

The technical program covered the following topics:

Recent Advances in Seismic Acquisition

Recent Advances in Processing

Recent Advances in Reservoir Characterization

Recent Advances in Representation & Visualization

Highlights included very productive breakout sessions with active participation from the workshop delegates and an inaugural keynote speech delivered by Eder Lizcano from BP Oman.

We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank Saudi Aramco as the Platinum Sponsor and all the attendees for joining us at the workshop. For details of upcoming AAPG and SEG events please visit the AAPG Events Calendar and the SEG Events Calendar.