16 August, 2011

"The oil and gas industry can play a key role in lifting our economy," says AAPG member and industry leader


“While we debate over what types of energy are best for our economy and the environment, the reality is that the U.S. will need all forms of energy, including fossil fuels, nuclear and renewable, along with increased energy efficiency,” writes Bobby Ryan in an op-ed piece published last week.

“While we debate over what types of energy are best for our economy and the environment, the reality is that the U.S. will need all forms of energy, including fossil fuels, nuclear and renewable, along with increased energy efficiency,” writes Bobby Ryan in an op-ed piece published last week.

Ryan is global vice president for exploration for Chevron and an AAPG member.

“The oil and gas industry, which has consistently shown strength during this lengthy economic downturn, has the potential to help lift our economy if the right energy policies are in place,” Ryan writes.

“As we face lengthy and difficult economic times, jobs are everyone’s priority. The oil and gas industry can play a key role in lifting our economy by creating high-paying jobs, generating billions of dollars in economic activity and delivering much needed revenue for local, state and federal governments struggling with budget shortfalls. Increased access to domestic oil and gas will provide safe and reliable domestic energy and can help our nation become an economic and energy powerhouse.”