30 March, 2016

CALL FOR PAPERS-Eighth International Symposium on Tight Sandstone and Shale Plays Exploration and Development

State Key Laboratory, Sichuan Provincial Science and Technology Department, Chengdu University of Technology, and Southwest Petroleum University, and AAPG (American Association of Petroleum Geology)


Welcome to a prestigious conference that features the most recent scientific and engineering breakthroughs in the development of tight sand and shale plays in western China. The developments and lessons learned here have great relevance to shale and low permeability reservoirs worldwide.

The conference will take place July 15-17 in Chengdu, China. 

Abstracts accepted now.

Focus: Exploration, Development, and Optimization of Low-Permeability Reservoirs (Oil and Gas Shales, Tight Sand Oil and Gas Reservoirs)

Key Topics:
  • Low Permeability Reservoir Geological Evaluation
  • Tight oil and gas reservoir pore structure characterization
  • Low permeability reservoir flow mechanisms and optimization
  • Drilling and completion technologies for reservoir optimization
  • Enhanced oil recovery in low permeability reservoirs
  • Other related topics (seismic integration, workflows, chemical treatments, etc.)

Format: Oral Presentations, Posters, Written Abstracts and Reports

Abstract (500 words or less) deadline: April 15, 2016

Paper (8,000 words or less) deadline: June 15, 2016

The Academic Committee will review papers and excellent ones will be published in the Chengdu University of Technology and the Southwest Petroleum University journals.

AAPG will publish English abstracts and presentations in Search & Discovery open online journal.

Submissions via email:
Geology Papers:

[email protected]
[email protected]

Reservoir  Development Papers

[email protected]
[email protected]