02 February, 2016

Submission Deadline Extended to 15 February

Offshore Technology Conference’s (OTC) Arctic Technology Conference 2016 (ATC)


To ensure the breadth and depth of the technical program the ATC 2016 program committee has extended the abstract submission date to 15 February.

Submit your abstracts and speak at the only Arctic event backed by the combined reach and credibility of 14 of the world's top engineering and scientific organizations and built with expertise representing every discipline.

To ensure the breadth and depth of the technical program the ATC 2016 program committee has extended the abstract submission date to 15 February.

Submit your abstracts and speak at the only Arctic event backed by the combined reach and credibility of 14 of the world's top engineering and scientific organizations and built with expertise representing every discipline.

Abstract submissions are welcome in any of the following areas below that meet your professional expertise and interests.

  • Theme 1: Geology and Geophysics – Arctic and Subarctic Basins
  • Theme 2: Exploration and Production
  • Theme 3: Physical Environment
  • Theme 4: Logistics
  • Theme 5: Regulatory Environment and Social Responsibility
  • Themes & Subcategories

For more information or questions contact: Terri Duncan | Technical Programs Coordinator | +1 918 560 2641

About ATC:

Founded in 1969, the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) is the world’s foremost event for the development of offshore resources in the fields of drilling, exploration, production and environmental protection. The Arctic Technology Conference (ATC) is built upon OTC’s successful multidisciplinary approach, with 14 technical societies and organizations working together to deliver the world’s most comprehensive Arctic event.

Submit Abstracts Here!