21 July, 2015

The Timing Could Not Be Better: Revitalizing Reservoirs

11-12 August 2015 | Golden, Colorado


You're faced with choices right now and most of them are hard ones. Do you stop drilling? Do you drill, but not complete? What do you do about your old production, your mature fields?

You're faced with choices right now and most of them are hard ones. Do you stop drilling? Do you drill, but not complete? What do you do about your old production, your mature fields?

Let's learn how to cost-effectively boost production now and for the future when prices will (with any luck at all) be higher.  Come to AAPG's Revitalizing Reservoirs GTW in Golden, Colorado, August 11-12. Listen to geologists, engineers, geophysicists, geochemists who have experience and who have successfully made things happen. This is a new breed of cat for AAPG, and if you attend, you'll be getting in on the ground floor. 


Now is the time to be aggressive. Prices are low. They could be low for a long time. Nevertheless, this is not the time to throw in the towel and give up on your production. Instead, it's the time to use new technology and new techniques to optimize what you've already identified, and to put into production bypassed or underexploited zones.

If you have questions, contact us, AAPG Education.