07 March, 2015

Curtin Geology Day 2014


Curtin Geology Day 2014 was an event organized by Curtin Geology Club at Curtin University Sarawak, Malaysia, September 2014. This event was conducted by first-year students of applied geology with help from seniors, lecturers and staff of the Department of Applied Geology.

Curtin Geology Day 2014 was an event organized by Curtin Geology Club at Curtin University Sarawak, Malaysia, September 2014. This event was conducted by first-year students of applied geology with help from seniors, lecturers and staff of the Department of Applied Geology.

About 70 students from three secondary schools in Miri, Northern Sarawak, Malaysia participated in this event: Sekolah Menengah Sains Miri, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Pujut Miri and Tenby International School Miri.

Curtin Geology Day 2014 was held in order to introduce geology as one of the future choices for their tertiary-level studies. The event began with speeches from Ramsamy Nagarajan, head of the Department of Applied Geology and the organising chair. The event was officially launched by confetti-pop and continued with a lion dance performance from Lion Dance Club of Curtin University Sarawak. The participants were then divided into several groups based on each school and were provided a campus tour. From this activity, participants had a chance to acknowledge more about the environment in the geology department at Curtin University Sarawak.

A highlight of the event was the sharing session. Seniors from the geology department came and shared their experiences as students of applied geology in Curtin University Sarawak and shared some useful tips to the participants. This session was important because it aimed at triggering the interest of students in geology. We would love to see them again here at Curtin University Sarawak.

The closing ceremony was attended by most of the lecturers and staff from the Department of Applied Geology. Every school received a gift and all participants received appreciation certificates from the Curtin Geology Club.

The event was well received by all participants and praised by the lecturers and staff from the geology department. The activity was successful as the number of attendees participated in the event exceeded 50 students (75 students overall).