10 April, 2015

Geological Theory and Technological Innovation: Youth Academic Forum-Important Updates

Call for Proposals


The Geological Theory and Technological Innovation Youth Academic Forum is an international academic forum, which combines science, innovation, and research. It is aimed at communicating new research results, new thoughts, new ideas, new methods and new areas, promoting international geological theory, technology and application, and in obtaining in-depth and comprehensive developments, with the goal of break-through geological explorations.

Finding mineral and petroleum resources and developing them more efficiently have become urgent in a world characterized by rapid societal change and conflict between supply and demand.

As a joint endeavor unprecedented in China the Geological Theory and Technological Innovation Youth Academic Forum will provide a communication and learning platform for geoscientists, especially young professionals. With oral presentations, posters, and publications, the event will focus on developing their innovation abilities and recognizing outstanding achievements.

The Geological Theory and Technological Innovation Youth Academic Forum is an international academic forum, which combines science, innovation, and research. It is aimed at communicating new research results, new thoughts, new ideas, new methods and new areas, promoting international geological theory, technology and application, and in obtaining in-depth and comprehensive developments, with the goal of break-through geological explorations. The forum is initiated and supported by the Chinese Geological Society, the American Association of Petroleum Geologists and world-renowned experts. It is to be organized by Southwest Petroleum University for the inaugural 2015 event in Chengdu. The forum will constitute a gathering of experts and colleagues to encourage innovative thinking, and it will be an unprecedented event in the field. 

Now, the related matters are notified as follows:

NEW Time and place

November 13-15, 2015 | Southwest Petroleum University | Chengdu, China


College undergraduates, graduates, instructors, professors, and researchers. By means of a thesis exhibition, the academic experts use a rigorous approach to select the outstanding papers where the first author is under the age of 45.

Themes and Topics
  1. Tectonic evolution
  2. New technologies on the plate role and mineralization and mineral resource exploration
  3. New theories of petrology, mineralogy and mineral deposits 
  4. Stratigraphic paleontology and biogeology
  5. Geological theories and new evaluation technologies of unconventional petroleum
  6. Geological theories and new evaluation technologies of deep complex reservoirs 
  7. Progress of geoscience experiment analysis
  8. Theory and technology innovation in other related areas
NEW Key Deadlines

01 October 2015: Abstract submissions
30 October 2015: Registration fee and hotel reservations
30 September 2015: Exhibition of theoretical and technical innovation participating


Papers should follow the conference topics and unpublished. Please submit a detailed 1,000- to 2,000-word paper in the following format: 

  1. Please provide a summary in a Word format. The length of the article should be within two A4 pages with no more than 5 references. One to two key chart forms may be included. With the paper include the author’s introduction including name, date of birth, gender, country, profession, work address, zip code, telephone, e-mail;
  2. Please provide classification based on the paper’s contents in accordance with the meeting topic (ID), and the corresponding topic named in the summary, Word document file name should use this file name format: meeting topic number _ first author's name_ thesis topic Example: 4_authorname_my paper title;
  3. Before submitting, please download the MS-Word template which contains the style guide and a sample paper.
  4. All submissions should be attached to an email to [email protected] 
Deadline for submissions: 01 October 2015

The secretariat will issue notification of acceptance when the abstract has passed the review by the Academic Committee. Notification is planned approximately 10 October 2015. For this conference a Youth Outstanding Paper Award and other youth awards will be established by the Academic Committee. After the conference, outstanding papers will be selected to issue in the domestic core journals or be published into a conference papers album. 

Geoscience workers are encouraged to contribute a paper. 

After the Forum

After the conference, the field geology investigation in Emei Mountain (Long Mendong Field geological section) will be organized, and the exhibition position application deadline is scheduled for October 30, 2015.

Supporting Organizations
  • American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) 
  • Geological Association of Sichuan Province, China Geological Society
  • Southwest Petroleum University
Special Members
  • AAPG Search and Discovery
  • Natural Gas Industry B
  • Petroleum Exploration and Development 
  • Southwest Petroleum University[email protected]
  • Petroleum Science Press