Nigerian Students Thank AAPG for Online Courses

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

NAPE/AAPG Nnamdi Azikiwe University student chapter members who completed a series of three online courses express their appreciation.
NAPE/AAPG Nnamdi Azikiwe University student chapter members who completed a series of three online courses express their appreciation.
We the entire members of NAPE/AAPG Nnamdi Azikiwe University student chapter wish to express our sincere and profound gratitude to AAPG, SGS Group, Techno-Media and PETROED for the opportunity given to sixteen(16) of our students to undertake three online courses which includes: Basic Principles of Petroleum, Introduction to Well Control, and Oilwell Drilling.

These courses which were quite stimulating and effectively prepared has actually broadened our knowledge of recent trends, basic operation, development and technology in the Petroleum industry targeted towards spurring our energy and commitment to excellence necessary to thrive in the E&P innovative environment.

With this, we are saying thank you and the entire staff of AAPG and PETROED for extending this kind gesture to us.

Yours sincerely

David Ogechukwu Anomneze
Graduate Student Coordinator
NAPE/AAPG NAU student chapter
Geological Science Department
Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka
Anambra State

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See Also: Short Course

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