AAPG 2017 Annual Convention & Exhibition

Free Public Energy Forums at ACE 2017

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

For the first time AAPG will be hosting two free public events at the ACE 2017 meeting, 4-5 April. These two sessions will focus on the future of energy and its place in a lower carbon world. Our extraordinary array of speakers cover a wide range of expertise and will give you insight into what’s coming next. We not only hope you attend; we ask that you spread the message to friends and colleagues. This will be an engaging, thought provoking series.


Date: Tuesday, 4 April 2017
Time: 1:15 p.m.-5:05 p.m.
Location: George R. Brown Convention Center, General Assembly B
Sponsored by the Division of Environmental Geosciences (DEG) and the Energy Minerals Division (EMD)

This forum, which celebrates the 100th anniversary of the founding of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, addresses the future challenges of the oil and gas industry to supply the world’s increasing energy needs without compromising global environmental concerns with continued use of fossil fuels. A diverse panel of distinguished speakers will engage in a sobering discussion of the global challenges in transitioning to low carbon energy future.

Speakers Include:

Steven E. Koonin, Professor of Information and Director, NYU Center for Urban Science and Progress, New York University, New York, New York Topic: Global Population, Energy Demand, and Future Technology

Cindy Yeilding, Senior Vice President, BP America, Houston, Texas Topic: Global Petroleum Resources and Transportation Fuel Options

Mark A. Snell, President of Sempra Energy, San Diego, California Topic: The Global Power Fuel Mix and the Carbon Transition

Jesse H. Ausubel, Director of the Program for the Human Environment and Senior Research Associate, Rockefeller University, New York, New York Topic: Atmosphere, Air, Land, Water, and Energy Density

Kenneth B. Medlock III, Senior Director, Center for Energy Studies, Baker Institute for Public Policy, Rice University, Houston, Texas Topic: Energy Diversity, Carbon Tax, and Economic Realities

Scott W. Tinker, Director, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas Topic: Global Energy Security and Poverty

Moderated Panel discussion Follows talks


Date: Wednesday April 5th, 2017
Time: 8:00 a.m.-11:50 a.m.
Location: George R. Brown Convention Center, General Assembly B
Sponsored by the Division of Environmental Geosciences (DEG) and the Professional Affairs Division (DPA)

This forum addresses practical aspects of how the fossil fuel industry should operate in the coming decades based on two key assumptions/ goals. First, availability to energy increases prosperity and well being of the population as a whole and our industry should strive to furnish it. The second is that policies that restrict any manner of alteration to local or global environments are likely to become more prevalent as technology allows both more detailed measurements and various media allow dissemination of both information and disinformation.

Aspects to be addressed are among the following:
  • What regulatory or economic incentives (e.g., a tax on carbon) would be best for our industry to allow it to both supply the needed energy and to be seen as a positive, creative industry by the public?
  • How should the energy industry prepare its infrastructure for the managing risk better, be it in hazardous environments, in response to weather related accidents, aggradation of cumulative effects, etc.
  • How can our industry better transfer knowledge and best practices between generations and from where will we develop the next generation of skill workers?
  • How do corporations and regulators “bake in” Best Practices for technologies and plays that have not even been imagined.
  • Finally, how can we change public perceptions to view the fossil fuel industry as part of the solution and not just the problem?
Speakers Include:

Daniel D. Domeracki, Vice President, Government and Industry Relations, Schlumberger Limited Topic: Creating a Social Contract to Operate – A Necessity in the Post COP 21 World

Dr. Jeremy Boak, University of Oklahoma and State Geologist of Oklahoma Topic: Sub-Surface Injection of Fluids and Induced Seismicity Best Practices

C. R. (Charlie) Williams II, Executive Director, Center for Offshore Safety and Chief Scientist – Well Engineering and Production Technology, Shell Topic: Future Best Practices in the Deep Water Offshore

David Lyon, Ph.D., Scientist, Environmental Defense Fund, Austin, Texas Topic: Mitigating Methane Emissions: The Role of Science, Data Transparency and Innovative Technology

Alan J. Krupnick, Senior Fellow and Co-Director, Resources for the Future, Center for Energy and Climate Economics, Washington D.C. Topic: Building Social Acceptance and Trust at the Community and National Levels

Susan Cunningham, Executive Vice President, Noble Energy Topic: Working Together, We Can Have the Energy We Need, the Economy We Want and the Environment We Value

Moderated Panel discussion Follows talks


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