Multiple events will take place in November 2016

TRAPSPOT 2016 organised by University Padjajaran, Indonesia

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

Trapspot is a series of annual events conducted by AAPG University of Padjajaran (Unpad) Student Chapter. Activities include a national seminar, a poster contest, a conference and a fieldtrip to which we will welcome geociences students from several universities in Indonesia. The basic purpose of this activity is to form a well-maintained relationship and good synergy not only among AAPG Student Chapters throughout Indonesia but more importantly between geosciences students and the petroleum industry.

TRAPSPOT highlights “Indonesia’s Opportunities in Oil and Gas to Sustain Domestic Demand” as the issue of this year. Our purpose of choosing this theme is to educate and inform both geoscience and non-geoscience students about the current energy conditions in Indonesia from the view of the oil and gas sector, specifically on the development in maintaining production rates in Indonesia, the unconventional innovation, and the polemic from many sectors related in the industry. Furthermore, at the end of the activity, geosciences students will gain significant understanding on the:

  1. Current status of oil price as a problem in Indonesia: Focus on the opportunity in maintaining production rates.
  2. Key challenges in discovering new technology as an alternative in oil production.
  3. The current condition of the oil and gas industry from the law, social, economics, and science points of view.
National Seminar

A National seminar will discuss “Development of Mature Field in Indonesia: Fundamental Solutions in Maintaining Production Rates under Current Oil Price”. The lecturer for this seminar will be Mr. Doddy Priambodo (Commissioner of PT. Pertamina EP Cepu) and Mr. Noor Syarifuddin (Vice President Geosciences and Resevoir of PT. Total E&P Indonesie).

Geoscience Poster Contest

A Geoscience Poster Contest is intended for geosciences students from several universities in Indonesia. The theme is “Unconventional Energy as Innovative Breakthrough in Oil and Gas Industry”.


A conference with the theme “Cross-sectoral Perspectives in Understanding Indonesia’s Recent Polemic of Oil and Gas Industry” will take place. In order to fulfill the theme’s objective, we have invited some speakers from different majors in Universitas Padjadjaran; Faculty of Economics and Business, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social and Political Science, and Faculty of Geological Engineering. The two keynote speakers are Mr. Amien Sunaryadi (Director of SKK Migas) and Mr. I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja (Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi from Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resource of Indonesia). An open discussion will follow; this will be moderated by Ms. Mellinda Arisandy (Geologist of Petronas Carigalli).


A Fieldtrip on “Petroleum System of Central Sumatra Basin with PT. Pertamina EP Asset 2 Prabumulih”  will take place from 14-16 November 2016. 30 participants are expected to join.

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