Student Chapters Committee

The mission of the Student Chapter Committee (SCC) is to support the establishment and ongoing efforts of AAPG Student Chapters at academic institutions. To this end, the SCC will act as the primary liaison between AAPG and it's student and faculty members. Within AAPG, the SCC will be a leader in establishing programs that will promote student membership, facilitate student involvement in the greater organization, and provide students with exposure to research and careers in the petroleum, energy mineral and environmental sciences. The SCC will strive to maintain an active, diverse membership that represents a broad disciplinary and geographic distribution of professionals, thereby providing a valuable resource to students as they transition from academics to professional careers. The committee should maintain an international co-chair or vice-chair and apply for foundation funding for specific needs.


Chandramani Shrivastava Chandramani Shrivastava Co-Chair 2022-2025 SLB
Adriane Hausher COORDINATOR 2023-2030 AAPG
David Henry Malone EASTERN SECTION Coordinator 2023-2026 Illinois State University
Susie Nolen PROGRAM TEAM LEAD 2018-2030 AAPG

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